Law Offices Of Jayson Soobitsky, P.A.

Oct 18, 2021

On Behalf of Law Offices of Jayson A. Soobitsky, P.A. | Oct 18, 2021 | Divorce |

You and your spouse may have married each other anticipating a long, happy marriage. Different things may have gotten in the way of your plans to stay married and the two of you may now be in the middle of a divorce.

You and your spouse may have noticed that your children aren’t the same. They may cry more easily. They may lose their temper, which is not like them. Your children need your emotional support.

Give your children emotional support along with the child support

Once your divorce is finalized, you may be sending monthly checks to your ex-spouse. While you are following the child support order, don’t forget that your children may be hurting emotionally.

Your former spouse may tell you that Ricky “blew up in school and hit another boy.” Or Mia has been crying herself to sleep most nights. Your former spouse and your children are sending a clear message. Ricky and Mia need to know you love them.

Children are resilient but remember their emotional needs

Your children went through your divorce just as much as you did. They may feel lost or that they are to blame for your divorce. You and your spouse both love your children. You may have wondered how the divorce would affect them.

While children are resilient, the family’s split has increased their levels of stress or fear. They may not understand all the reasons for your split.

A few tips that may help

Post-divorce, keep your children’s routines as much as you can. Read to them over the phone at bedtime. Try to call them regularly so you stay up-to-date with their activities.

Support your former spouse, even though you may be angry at them. When you support them, you also support your children.